Friday, September 30, 2022

Pt 2 Sweet Bakings--Cakes, Cupcakes, and Mini-muffins

I've been blogging since September 2009. I'd started out with text content, later adding images. Over the last few years, I've accompanied articles with slide shows and videos that I've posted to YouTube.

Sweets seem to have piqued me, particularly from early to mid 2010s. This year has re-piqued me. In inventorying my recipe blogs, i came up with 28 cooky recipes and 19 cake and cake-ish recipes. In the cake-centric video, I list my blog catalog number with the article title and finished-item image (newest at top).

In musing about sweets, I'd noticed similarities and differences in topic choice and execution over the years. (For cakes, I started out mostly blogging about cupcakes and occasional mini-muffins.)

Morselly Cakes to Whole Cakes

Amusingly, my interest in cake recipes and documenting them have evolved from earlier times. Early on, most of my cakey topics have been articles with thumbnailish images. I did a few cake items a few years ago, with video. I recently got more involved with making whole cakes and videos for them. I seldom narrate videos anymore.

Some Cake Prep Changes Over Time

My cake pan preparation is now neater. And, after having had my tilt-head mixer, I finally decided to use it for cake batter mixing. The metal bowl's handles make pouring easier than using both hands on a glass mixing bowl.

One recent acquisition I've appreciated is my digital scale. It has five clickable units of measure and reads out to two decimal places. Zeroing out containers is a breeze, and weight readouts are more accurate than my old Braun scale.

Pt 1 Sweet Bakings--Cookies, Mostly
Sweet Bakings--A Few Re-peerings

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