Friday, September 27, 2019

Cicada Wasp, Pac-Mannish Deco

In mId -August, spotted couple of cicada-pertinent items--a cicada wasp and cicada wing, one day apart. Decided to save the cicada wasp topic till now. (The previous article and video is about the wing—"Cicada Wing Curiosity Piquer".

As is often, the winged bug caught our eyes during a morning walk. Initially, thought might be a hornet. Took video and stills, one with a measuring tape body. Later, I estimated the insect at ~ 2”, using some kludgy composite means of measuring items. Easiest way to estimate the length would have been simply pull some of the measuring tape out, lock it, place the tab near one end the insect, and take a pic.
Anyway, I poked around on the web to narrow down the stinger suspect. Found an excellent Cicada Wasp Flickr image. Now armed with caption info, particularly "Cicada Killer Wasp (Crabroninae, Sphecius specimen)", I no longer, uh, flew blind trying to determine the insect.

"Crabronidae, the crabronid wasps, including the mud daubers and sand wasps" section of "Insect Identification Key" and "Genus Specius" section of greatly helped my bug determination. BugGuide's Taxonomy tab shows the four species convallis (Pacific), grandis (Western), hogardii (Caribbean), and speciosus (Eastern).

In looking at the BugGuide's Sphecius genus images, the yellow markings of the images I have seem to best indicate the Eastern species. Look at a Pac-Man image, then look at killer wasp images I offer up. Do you also see Pac-Mannish faces? Contrast with markings of other species' examples—less Pac-Mannish, imho. (View my video for circling-around peering.)

I recalled I had blogged about a cicada wasp with cicada. Revisted "Wasp and Cicada Together". The pic of a neighbor and dead cicada wasp greatly resembles the Cicada Wasp Flickr image.

For more articles about cicadas, enter "cicada" in the search box at the upper left of this window. Or find and click "cicada" link at Partial Index of Keywords section (just below Popular Posts section).

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