Cole Porter wrote I've Got You Under My Skin in 1936, as part of the score for the movie "Born to Dance", which fans of Jimmy Stewart may remember as starring Eleanor Powell. (Trivia tidbit: Virginia Bruce actually performed the song in the movie.) The song was such a hit that it was nominated for an Oscar (and Academy Award). Then, the cover versions began appearing.Frank Sinatra was probably the most celebrated singer to record the song. Shortly after RW (the event singer) sang it, I mused to myself that it could be a mosquito song, titled "I've Got Me Under Your Skin". After a few more songs, the band finished up, and RW came over to put away his trumpet and other items. (Yes! An accomplished trumpet player as well as gifted vocalist!) I told him my thought about the mosquito idea, which he responded to favorably. This positive reaction got me to thinking of writing a parody, which I have included farther down.
During my research about mosquitoes, I encountered several websites about them I found enlightening, entertaining, and amusing. I did a Google image search because I wanted to include an eye catcher in this article. Much of the content appealed to me as well. In the following list, I ranked for content. Underneath each URL, I listed the link for the image with my image ranking. The image at the top is one of many images that the website encourages downloading. As for the other images, I omitted displaying them because of copyright concerns. (They're worthwhile looking at!!!!)
1. Coloring page mosquito bite
1. http://www.edupics.com/mosquito-bite-t11826.jpg
2. Mosquito Coloring Pages (a site for downloading mosquito ringtones and coloring images)
6. http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/coloring/mosquito8-thumb.gif
3. Facts: The Mechanics of a Mosquito
3. http://www.homelanddefensecorp.com/images/mosquito-anatomy.gif
4. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/insects/mosquito/Mosquito.shtml
2. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/mgifs/Mosquito_bw.GIF (Very detailed diagram!)
5. 14 things you didn't know about mosquitoes (a Sameh Fahmy blog article)
5. http://www.illustrators.net/gothard/images/mosquito.jpg (Run away! Run away!)
6. Kids’ information Mosquitoes
7. http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/education/stowawayskidspages/images/mosquito.jpg
7. Healing Tips
4. http://www.healing-tips.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/mosquito-parts.gif
For ease of navigating to the images, I've relisted them by my ranking:
- http://www.edupics.com/mosquito-bite-t11826.jpg
- http://www.enchantedlearning.com/mgifs/Mosquito_bw.GIF (Very detailed diagram!)
- http://www.homelanddefensecorp.com/images/mosquito-anatomy.gif
- http://www.healing-tips.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/mosquito-parts.gif
- http://www.illustrators.net/gothard/images/mosquito.jpg (Run away! Run away!)
- http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/mosquito-coloring/
- http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/education/stowawayskidspages/images/mosquito.jpg
********************My primary links about "I've Got You Under my Skin"
I've Got Me Under Your Skin
I've got me under your skin.
I've got you deep en-do-der-er-mis.
So deep in your blood where I stuck in my pro-bos-cis.
I've got me under your skin.
I’ve tried to land so light-ly.
I’ve said to myself what a feast! It’s a gonna be so swell!
Your arms, your legs, and your knees. Especially want your neck!
Yes, I want me under your skin.
I'd sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of having you near.
In spite of a warn- ing swat, your sweep-ing hand
Tha-at came so close to my ear.
Don't you know, you fool, you never can win.
You know I’m a teeny bug going after your blood.
By the time you itch, I already hit.
You’re the top. I’m lovin’ it.
Because I got me under your skin.
[musical interlude]
I'd sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of having you near.
In spite of a warn- ing swat, your sweep-ing hand
Tha-at came so close to my ear.
Don't you know, you fool, you never can win.
You know I’m a teeny bug going after your blood.
By the time you itch, I already hit.
You’re the top. I’m lovin’ it.
Because I got me under your skin.
And I like me under your skin.
- I adapted lyrics from Lyricsfreak.
- I verified (as much as possible) the Lyricsfreak words to Sinatra vocals—Frank Sinatra version (montage & lyrics).
- Frank Sinatra (date and venue undetermined)
- Michael Buble (date and venue undetermined)
- Four Seasons (montage)
- Steve Lawrence (date and venue undetermined)
- Ella Fitzgerald (still pic, Côte d'Azur 1964)